
Encounters 2020

Encounters 2020 commemorates Captain James Cook's 1770 scientific voyage and its lasting impact on Australia's First Peoples, as well as the nation as a whole.

On 29 April 1770 a strange big canoe appeared off the shore at Kamay – Botany Bay. The arrival of the HMB Endeavour under the command of Lieutenant James Cook was to herald a great changes in Australian history. 

For the First Peoples of Australia, custodians of the continent for over 65,000 years, Cook’s voyage was the most consequential encounter by early Western explorers. It heralded the beginning of a fundamental change to their way of life.  


2020 marks 250 years since the HMB Endeavour charted the East Coast of Australia. This anniversary offers a unique opportunity for all Australians to reflect on, discuss and re-evaluate the lasting impact this pivotal event has had on us all.

It is the nature of historical study to always investigate with new eyes and seek out all points of view. As a cultural institution we believe it is our role to continually analyse our history and broaden our country’s knowledge.

Kevin Sumption, Museum CEO and Director

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The Voyage

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