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Head of Conservation, Jonathan, and Anupa from Registration have just removed a 1780 Japanese woodblock and are replacing it with an eighteenth century French chart of the Indian Ocean.   Museum staff regularly change objects in the galleries to keep displays ‘fresh’ and protect objects from being damaged by the lights.  Visitors sometimes complain about low light levels in galleries but light damages all objects to some degree and generally speaking, the higher the light level – the greater the impact on the object.

Head of Conservation, Jonathan, and Anupa from Registration have just removed a 1780 Japanese woodblock and are replacing it with an eighteenth century French chart of the Indian Ocean. Museum staff regularly change objects in the galleries to keep displays ‘fresh’ and protect objects from being damaged by the lights. Visitors sometimes complain about low light levels in galleries but light damages all objects to some degree and generally speaking, the higher the light level – the greater the impact on the object.