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With just days to go, there is still lots of work to prepare HMB Endeavour Replica for its upcoming voyages. Apart from organising bookings, logistics and crew, the ship is being made ready, and last-minute maintenance and painting scheduled.

All aboard at 8am on 28 January in Darling Harbour, for the first leg of the summer tour; destination Geelong. Our voyage crew and supernumeraries will have been briefed prior to arrival. Some of them know the routines, as it won’t be their first time on board, others, who have no sailing experience, won’t fully know what to expect. With our professional crew of 16, the newbies will settle in no time, feeling part of the team and making new friends.

Crew having fun on the HMB Endeavour, leaning over a sail and smiling at the camera.

High spirits!

While berthed at Cunningham Pier, Geelong, our professional crew will take shifts to allow a break. Others on board will be busy with visitors from ashore, and school groups.


HMB Endeavour Replica


Leaving Geelong 9 February and bound for Adelaide, we will rendezvous with tall ship One And All on the morning of 17 February. There, we will re-enact the history of Flinders and Baudin in Victor Harbor, Encounter Bay. With thanks to Victor Harbor’s Mayor Graham Philip, and the Encounter Celebration Committee, this is bound to unleash some very entertaining sailing. Let’s not forget the captain loves his cannons, and making a noise, and our crew will no doubt play a part. Want to be part of it too?

For a limited time, there is a very special offer35% off cruising prices. To find out more, visit or email me at

Alternatively, book online for a day-visit at Geelong, Adelaide, Port-Lincoln or Portland.

by Rina Timpano
Endeavour Coordinator



Endeavour Crew

The replica of Captain Cook's tall ship HMB Endeavour is managed by the Australian National Maritime Museum. Endeavour regularly sails in Australian waters and we keep a ship's blog to give you an insight into life on board.

Posted in: Vessels