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Shakedown sail

Thursday 24 January 2019

HMB Endeavour went to sea for the day for the first time in, well, ages. In addition to the 16 professional crew, we carried 18 museum staff and volunteers.

The aims for the day were:

  • to shake out sails that had not been used for a while, and test other on board systems to ensure everything is in good working order for the voyage south to Hobart.
  • to give museum staff and volunteers an experience of the Endeavour in sailing mode, instead of museum mode.
  • to give crew a chance to clear the cobwebs and revive their skills.

It was perfect weather — not too hot, and a nice southerly breeze to drive us.

Motoring down the harbour was very pleasant, but easily outdone once we set some sails and cut the engines as we passed through the Heads. When underway under sail Endeavour really comes to life!

Bill Ellemor, steward Sydney to Hobart.

Endeavour Crew

The replica of Captain Cook's tall ship HMB Endeavour is managed by the Australian National Maritime Museum. Endeavour regularly sails in Australian waters and we keep a ship's blog to give you an insight into life on board.

Posted in: Vessels