Entries for multiple registrations can be shared with a user's family or friends. This allows a family member or a friend to view registrations that are linked to the main user’s account without them having to log in. The user makes a 'token' to grant access to other family members or friends under their account allowing them full view of a profile without having to log in. They can then send an email with this information to the chosen person will receive access to view their profile.
Sharing entries
You need to login to view and access your full profile (such as your images and story) and then you can give access to others you choose to share with such as family and friends.
These people do not need a login to view. Instead they can view a special link based on a token that is assigned by you. This is done via tokens which are assigned and create a special URL that can be shared. To do this when you login choose Tokens from the right hand menu.
This will take you to the Tokens page. Click generate token to create a special link for each registrant with a token appended to it that allows full view of a profile without having to log in. Then select the Share Registrants link and this will load a modal window where you can send an email to family or friends (who have an online entry).
Also the account user can also remove access by clicking on 'revoke token' in their profile. This will remove access to the special links and the family member or friend will no longer be able to see their full profile.
The friend or family member gets an email with this detail
On clicking on the links in the email they can view their full entries.