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Ok so 2nd day.. I’m up early 7:00 NSW time.. 6:00 here.. either way early : P to do my blog cause I’m naughty and didn’t do it last night oops.. Kieran said it was ok.. so I was up at 7 yesterday with a very hearty breakfast : P


Ok so yesterday WOW!!! Omg (oh my god) just wow we were on top of the reef in 2 metre deep water.. it was the BARREN bit.. not to me. I spotted numerous bright blue starfish which looked they were made out of velveteen, sea cucumbers- big black knobbly ones and skinnier grey ones.. I even caught one taking a stroll : D.. I also spotted an eel hiding in a hole.. hehe it was so cute and shy nawwwwwww and the coral wow.. all the bright little polyps that suck in and out and the tessellating patterns of the hard corals are just amazing and even though the crew claims that they were not the best coral and the nice ones were few and far between. I thought it was absolutely breath taking to dive down into a world yet to be known by my eyes and discover all this beauty. THE FISH! So many little fish.. and so many different types.. parrot fish, nemo’s (he was only about a cm long).. big ones small ones (some as big as your head-not really its just a song.. I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts..) but so many colours.. clouds of grey slivers with blue lightening breaking the storm.. magnificent..


Enough about the landscape.. hehe we found 3 pieces of metal.. a veiwing thingy.. hehe u look into the compass with it- 10 cm in diameter : P at first we though it belonged to the Mermaid but soon discovered a small rubber seal between the metal and the glass : ( dang it.. the other pieces we found were a compass holder thingy : P a rim of a compass.. it would support and swivel the compass and again we fear it is not from the Mermaid. It seems there is another wreck on this reef from a slightly later date. Which might not make it as easy… the third thing we found was a pump.. bilge pump.. yer um it “gets rid of all the water in the bottom of the boat” (information source = megan : P)

Today were surveying the fringe of the reef where all the pretties are (coral and fish that is) and basically all were doing (same as yesterday) is ‘mowing the lawn’ where u swim in lanes scanning the bottom looking for objects that seem out of place… so unnatural shapes and colours caused by rust- so copper green, iron red etc.. so we set off 7-7:30 for our morning dive and I’ll be taking the underwater camera OOOOOOO! But now I’m missing out on breakfast.. ah! Bye Alice