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Day 2!!!!!!!


Megan here and it was a bit of a shock to the system getting up so early but that’s ok…. What a day..


We were waiting for the sponsor of the trip and the reason we are here but they weren’t arriving until lunchtime (one-thirty). Not that we were told what we were supposed to be doing so we filled in our time talking!!!!! Alice has a lot in common with our first mate Warren who is from South Africa with a very serious face that improves a heap when he smiles… poor thing was stuck doing random things with us… hahaha J.


After lunch things started moving a lot quicker and we went snorkelling on Flora Reef. This is when things began to get interesting, after climbing into our super sexy wetsuits (for stingers and sunburn only as the water is about 30 degrees Celsius) we finally got into the water…. J The water was shallow and clear so it was a good beginning. The majority of the area we were surveying was sand but there was an occasional segments’ of coral and fishies. J


Then the discoveries started with our photographer Xanthe finding the rim of a brass compass. And then things like a compass lid type thing and a base on which it would have sat as well as a copper pipe none of which is believed to be from the Mermaid even though it has traditional design it had a rubber ring which dates it after the 1880’s….. I was there when they found a Bilge pump that was wood and had writing on it on which I was able to recognize an N and an O. We think we have found the ship wreck of another boat but not the Mermaid.


We then came back to the boat (Spoilsport). I help Bre fold napkins while Alice made a box out of them. We had an Italian themed dinner. David who’s from America played cards with us but we only had 3 people so we couldn’t play Euchre… gambling without nuts today thanks to Alice. So we ended up stopping and coming down to talk to everyone else. Wayne the techy talked to us about being typical teenagers and girls (Alice) and Ed sat and listened.