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pipe found by Lee

pipe found by Lee

I didn’t sleep much at all and then it was ten to seven so I literally had to jump out of bed and get ready to come and have breakfast. Which I ate very quickly so that we could be ready to leave… I couldn’t see properly cause my eyes were blurry and I had a massive headache. A good way to start the day.

We went out to the site so that the new members we seem to be accumulating could see what had been found. The water was extremely choppy with a strong undercurrent… we spent the majority of the dive searching for the rest of the wreck as we could only find the big ring which was marked… apparently the rest of the site was behind us but we didn’t no. Lee found a copper pipe and that caused a bit of a stir as it was part of a pump or something. By this stage the water was starting ti break and it was too choppy to continue so we came back to the boat….

After lunch we were separated into groups and Alice and I got to do the tagging which was putting orange tags on things so that they can be relocated when they need to be.. So once again we went out with Paul and we marked things… I was lucky enough to find a copper pin to mark in the middle of nowhere. We think we managed to mark almost everything.  Again it was pretty choppy and the current was very strong.

Once back on the boat another diving team went out. Unluckily for Alice and I cause we can’t dive and they found the Anchor…. almost immediately the whole boat found out. WWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW….. YAY….. The excitement was unbelievable.

We then had Asian for dinner and prepared for a very special meeting and debriefing due to the momentous discovery.  after watching Xanthe’s awesome shots of especially the anchor we briefly discussed the events of the day and went from there.


We were introduced to some of the new members both staying on our boat and the Nimrod. Unfortunately for two of them (josh was talking to Alice and me) were left behind and had to be taken across by one of our tenders. Very unlucky

For those of you who don’t know finding the anchor is extremely important to finding out and aging when the ship was built and sailed…….