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Day 6


This morning was another early morning… Of course. So it was breakfast then a meeting on the dive deck to delegate jobs and plan the events of the morning. We were snorkelling with Paul again he’s a trooper having us with him almost every time we’ve gone out.


We made a line only about twenty metres long with five people spread along it to try and find any more wreckage. We were headed north from a buoy in our attempt to survey the area. The current is still very strong and we had gone about half a kilometre when we stopped and discovered we were drifting to the east and we were a long way of course. So the tender picked us up. We then went back to the buoy we started from and this time attempted to work against the current.. This time success but we didn’t find anything…. which was a bummer.


Lunch was next which was Mexican.. Yer. We had to get changed into our shirt and cap that had the mermaid logo on it so we could have our picture taken by Xanthe and then so she was in the picture Warren for a press release which is exciting. It sounds very professional too.


We went and had a look at the anchor duck diving in about five metres of water…

It was so awesome and it just made it a bit more realistic..


People who deserve thanks and recognition include Ed who talked to me about goals and ambitions and really made the mermaid exploration exciting with his excitement and good humour. He has interesting stories worth remembering and does a great credit to the Queensland maritime museum as he is the shipwreck officer there. Thanks for making this such an awesome trip…. J

Paul again cause he’s so nice and tolerant.. it is more than appreciated as we know were not professional.

Lee who’s just always friendly….

Wayne (Dwayne) who is always smiling and cheers everyone up. Even if its just mocking J lol.

A massive thanks to John who made this all possible and with out we wouldn’t be here having the best time….

 Xanthe for her super photographic skills, and her light, bubbly persona.

Jackie, Christina…. for being so positive and nice.

Kereen without all our organisation skills and nice up beat personality none of this would have happened. Its not as recognised as it should be but everyone can’t thankyou enough.

Every other novice that helped out and not made us feel so bad because of our lack of knowledge on specific details. J

Everyone else because you talking to us as if were adults and not just stupid immature kids..


Last but not least the crew

Bre cause you entertain us as well as making us feel right at home.
Warren your our entertainment… keep it up your awesome.

David for playing cards and talking to us right at the beginning… and still, obviously..

Kireen, Sterlo, Tristan, Alex, Moon and Trevor the captain..


In our de-briefing after dinner it was finally confirmed that it is in fact the Mermaid…..

Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee… it is the best news that topped off a good day and made it great. It is so over whelming and just exciting to be a part of this.. a part of history in the making.. We celebrated… Yay. We were even entertained by Captain Trevor.


An all round fantastic day even though our time is quickly coming to an end..

