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Day 7


Today was our last whole day L… We got up at about 6.30 and got going.. We needed to put in a lot of effort because it was our last chance to find something..


Again our very tolerant and awesome leader Paul took Alice, Elaine, Lloyd and me snorkelling along the reef with the holding the line. We were searching in a westerly direction this time to see if anything would show up but again unfortunately we were unsuccessful..

After a couple of hours in the water we got out.


Kieran then asked us if we would make a presentation on what we had done during the week at the night De-briefing.. We of course accepted and began to organise our power point presentation…. After lunch we were ready to go again as we weren’t missing our potential last snorkel. We went out with Paul again as well as some other people from the Nimrod (some divers, some snorkelers) to look at a anomaly that the Mag (a very high tech metal detector). There was no organisation and we were told to just have a look around the area… Again no one found anything except I saw a largish stingray swimming through the water. Apparently Alice followed around a six foot shark (which would have been heaps exciting) and it swam right under Miss Lynch.. J


After a while we gave up and came back because nothing was found. Alice and I continued to work on our presentation and upload pictures to the internet..


It was our last night on board so we requested that anyone who wanted to could sign the Mermaid shirts that we had so generously been given.. Thanks again John, for everything..


Miss Lynch I hope you like the present we gave you and I’m sorry for not mentioning you in the last one but there are just so many people who I’m thankful to. You deserve a medal for putting up with us for a week and taking such good care of us. Its very reassuring to no someone is looking out for you at all times..


Well back to the day we had dinner. The last one……………………… L L L L L Kieran once again gave us our debriefing on the events of the day. But due to all publicity and the fact that Xanthe was working on a photo mosaic (one square metre at a time of the entire location so the can have a better understanding of what the site looks like) she decided that it would bore us looking at them all.


Then it was our turn and Alice and I both took our turns reading from the power point which was on the two massive flat screen TV’s.  Everyone clapped at the end but I’m not sure weather it was out of relief or not.. J


Then it was Nigel’s turn and he briefly talked about on of the ship wrecks he had help excavate and research.. Then good old captain Trevor told us all about deep sea diving to the extreme and the little mishaps that caused panic.  


Also want to thank Josh for keeping us entertained I no it was a bit tedious.. J But I’m pretty sure you had fun….


Thanks Megan