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Photo of Anne the education officer

Anne is the Education Officer at the museum.

A wise person once told me that the day you stop learning is the day you stop breathing. Never a truer statement could be made since I joined the museum as an education officer nearly eight months ago.

I have learnt a variety of amazing things from the small incidental knowledge such as wearing a skirt when visiting the submarine is not really advised, to the difference between a boat and a ship (when in doubt you can call them a vessel). The lee-side is not next to Lee, but a quieter area of the ocean out of the wind. I think I have nearly nailed port and starboard. I have also had training to plan and program lessons for schools also the many timetables and rosters for the on-site school visits as well as dressing up as a pirate. You could say my day is as interesting as it is educational.

Scuba diver searching the ocean floor during a reconnaissance trip to Frederick Reef October 2009

Photo from a reconnaissance trip to Frederick Reef October 2009. Copyright: Xanthe Rivett

This brings me to my next lesson. The education team is entering the world of video conferencing, which is a huge and exciting undertaking in its self. Imagine being able to share the museum with kids from all over Australia and potentially even the world. Our first video conference into schools has an extra degree of difficulty – we will be broadcasting from our maritime archaeology expedition at Ferguson Reef, off the coast of far north Queensland. So suddenly my learning curve has tilted to a near 90 angle.

However, all is not lost!

The best part of working in an organisation like this is that I have access to professional and generous people to help me on my learning journey. So over the next few weeks in particular I will be documenting my journey from learning about maritime archaeology, blogging and social media, and of course, understanding and working the video conferencing equipment.

Oh, the most exciting part – I will be going on the expedition as well so I will be on the scene to tell you what is happening up there.

Education Officer

Anne Doran

I work at the Australian National Maritime Museum as an Education Officer.