Discover stories behind the latest exhibitions, fascinating explorations into maritime science and archaeology, and the surprising details of what happens inside (and outside) a modern working museum.

The Tribal Warrior crew became the first Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander crew to participate and officially cross the finish line in the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race. Image courtesy Tribal Warrior

23 Sep 2020

Tribal Warrior Aboriginal Corporation: Supporting self-determination and shifting narratives
Henry Lippmann (centre, with hand on chin) during a lesson at the Jewish ORT school in Berlin, Germany, c 1939. ANMM Collection ANMS0219[007], gift from Henry Lippmann

07 Sep 2020

Behind barbed wire: Remembering the Dunera boys
The Wilson family outside their home in Concord, New South Wales, 1948. Reproduced courtesy Victor Wilson Jnr

28 Aug 2020

Fruits of faith: Finding a place to call home
The first known image of Jeanne Baret, from 1816. From Navigazioni di Cook del grande oceano e intorno al globo, Volume 2, 1816, Sonzogono e Comp, Milano. Reproduced courtesy State Library of NSW

27 Jul 2020

The extraordinary circumnavigation of Jeanne Baret
One of the Las Balsas rafts at sea, with the other two rafts in the background, 1973. Photograph by John Carnemolla. Image reproduced courtesy Ballina Naval & Maritime Museum

16 Jul 2020

Las Balsas: The world's longest raft journey
Entry to the Kupe to Cook exhibition at the Australian National Maritime Museum

08 Jul 2020

Who was Kupe?
Under Southern Skies exhibition entry

10 Jun 2020

Long way from the River
Transcending Boundaries (by teamLab)

29 May 2020

A new museology for generation Z: The impact and revolution of Japanese digital art
Photojournalist Justin Gilligan standing in front of his photograph, Colliding Views

22 May 2020

Q&A with WPY finalist Justin Gilligan