Discover stories behind the latest exhibitions, fascinating explorations into maritime science and archaeology, and the surprising details of what happens inside (and outside) a modern working museum.

The first known image of Jeanne Baret, from 1816. From Navigazioni di Cook del grande oceano e intorno al globo, Volume 2, 1816, Sonzogono e Comp, Milano. Reproduced courtesy State Library of NSW

27 Jul 2020

The extraordinary circumnavigation of Jeanne Baret
Transcending Boundaries (by teamLab)

29 May 2020

A new museology for generation Z: The impact and revolution of Japanese digital art
Photojournalist Justin Gilligan standing in front of his photograph, Colliding Views

22 May 2020

Q&A with WPY finalist Justin Gilligan
The three youth ambassadors

15 Apr 2020

Paths for peace: High school students reflect on World War II in the Pacific
Military personnel photographed boarding Orsova in 1916

19 Mar 2020

A deadly shipmate: Surviving 'Spanish flu' aboard HMAT Orsova
Fern New Zealand

16 Mar 2020

Recognising the first anniversary of the Christchurch mosque attacks
Rope Block Tackle

02 Mar 2020

Apply for funding: MMAPSS Grants and Internships
Women in their swimming costumes on the beach at Lindeman Island, Queensland, Christmas 1928

17 Feb 2020

Frolicking and Fossicking: Touring the Great Barrier Reef in 1928
Photograph of a woman digging on an archaeological site

04 Feb 2020

Digging for answers: Ten questions with Dr Anne Musser