Signals is the museum's quarterly magazine, covering fascinating stories of maritime history, exhibition and events news, behind-the-scenes at the museum, member's updates, volunteer profiles, book reviews and more. 

Signals is included in your membership subscription, or available for $4.95 per issue at the museum store.

Signals spring 2019

01 Sep 2019

Signals Magazine Issue 128
Signals spring 2019

01 Sep 2019

Signals Magazine Issue 128
Plate 19 from  a catalogue of the rare and valuable shells which formed the celebrated collection of the late Mrs Bligh

29 Aug 2019

A sign of love: Elizabeth Bligh's shell collection
Alex powering through rough water which was gruelling on the body especially the right knee

28 Aug 2019

Fast Five: Quick questions with water skiing record holder Alex Luther
Watercolour of Port Adelaide, South Australia, by Samuel Thomas Gill, 1840s. Rex Nan Kivell Collection, National Library of Australia

27 Aug 2019

A worker in tulle: The English lacemakers of Calais

23 Aug 2019

Blackbirding: Australia's slave trade?
Smoking ceremony

23 Aug 2019

Flag Raising Ceremony: 25th Anniversary of Commonwealth recognition
Annarosa Coluccio (third from left) with her parents (left) and mother-in-law (fourth from left) at her proxy marriage in Roccella Jonica, Calabria, Italy, 1956. Reproduced courtesy Isabella Coluccio

22 Aug 2019

Until we meet again: An Italian proxy bride's story
Sculpting the Kronosaurus using VR

21 Aug 2019

Sea Monsters: Creating 3D models of prehistoric ocean predators
Michelle Lee at the Sydney International Boat Festival

15 Aug 2019

Fast Five: Quick questions with world record holder Michelle Lee
Students viewing 'Don't Copy II' by Li Jiwei, On Sharks & Humanity

14 Aug 2019

Maritime in the Mountains: Peer Mentoring Science Outreach Program
Stargazing. Image: iStock

09 Aug 2019

What is Indigenous astronomy? We spoke to two experts to find out