Our Service Standards

The museum is committed to providing services to all its customers, both external and internal, in a way that is courteous, equitable, prompt, professional and ethical. To the fullest extent our resources allow, we will provide: 

  • Over 150 classic boats on display
  • courteous, well-trained and knowledgeable staff at all levels
  • a safe, clean and accessible environment
  • quality services to all segments of our community
  • up-to-date information about our products and services
  • prompt, efficient and accurate responses to enquiries
  • opening hours that reflect community needs

Complaints and Feedback

We welcome your suggestions for improving our services and aim to resolve any problems promptly. We are committed to regular museum user surveys and research to ensure we are meeting your needs.

Here are some of the ways you can communicate with us.

  • Speak to a staff member in person.
  • Complete the Comments Book in the museum foyer which is reviewed regularly and responded to where possible.
  • Express your views on our exhibitions at the Discussion Points that we set up in our galleries from time to time.
  • Fill in a formal complaint form at our front desk.
  • Write to us at 2 Murray Street, Sydney, NSW 2000. We aim to reply within 14 days.
  • Contact our Visitor Services and Ticketing Team Leader by phone: +61 2 9298 3777 or email info@sea.museum.