Bill Lane USA Gallery Fellowship

The Bill Lane USA Gallery Fellowship is open to eminent scholars and museum professionals. It aims to foster professional relationships with key American cultural institutions, and to develop synergies between our National Maritime Collection and/or its research activities and respective US collections.

  • The museum particularly welcomes ambitious post-doctoral research proposals that develop greater understanding of the shared maritime heritage between Australia and the USA.
  • The Fellowship is awarded for periods up to 3 months and up to AUD$30,000 to assist with airfares, a stipend and some accommodation costs.
  • During the course of the Fellowship, the Fellow will be asked to give a public lecture and/or an informal seminar to staff.At the conclusion of the Fellowship, the Fellow will provide the museum with a written report on the outcomes of the project and any further collaboration that is planned.
  • The museum will receive printed acknowledgement in all publications resulting from the Fellowship.
  • Copies of all publications resulting from the Fellowship will be sent to the museum.
  • The applicant's institution is required to provide evidence of support towards the project.


More Information

The Fellowship is currently under review. Please direct all enquiries to


In the news

Hawaiian and Australian students exchange cultural knowledge prior to Hokulea’s Sydney arrival
Three high school students from the “Kanu O Ka’aina” public charter school in Waimea were selected for the Australian National Maritime Museum’s U.S.A. Gallery Bill Lane Fellowship.