Learn about the interconnectedness of land, sea and sky Country for First Nations people, and develop a deeper understanding of the richness and diversity of First Nations cultures.  

Through multisensory learning experiences, students will learn about First Nations peoples’ continuing connections with Country, Australia prior to colonisation and custodial management of land by First Nations Australians.  

In this interactive and hands-on program, students will: 

  • Handle a range of cultural objects and learn about their uses 
  • Tour the museum exhibitions with an expert guide 
  • Hear stories of First Nations knowledge from across Australia expressed through storytelling and art 

This cross-curricular program covers content from the History, Geography and Visual Arts curriculums.  

Created by Deadly Ed in partnership with the Australian National Maritime Museum.  

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Booking information 

Duration: 90 minutes 
Cost: $20 per student 
Ratio: A supervisor to student ratio of 1:15 applies for all programs. 
Accessibility: This tour is conducted in the museum galleries. There is ramp and lift access to all exhibition spaces within the main museum building. To ensure all students and supervisors have a positive experience at the museum, please indicate if anyone in your group has additional support needs at the time of booking.  

For more information on preparing for your visit, please see Plan Your School Visit.

Curriculum links 

NSW Curriculum – Stage 1 & 2 History, Geography and Visual Arts 

Stage 1 History 
HT1-2 identifies and describes significant people, events, places and sites in the local community over time  
HT1-4 demonstrates skills of historical inquiry and communication  

Stage 1 Geography  
GE1-2 identifies ways in which people interact with and care for places  

Stage 1 Visual Arts 
VAS1.4 Begins to interpret the meaning of artworks, acknowledging the roles of artist and audience 

Stage 2 History  
HT2-3 describes people, events and actions related to world exploration and its effects  
HT2-5 applies skills of historical inquiry and communication  
The diversity and longevity of Australia's first peoples and the ways Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples are connected to Country and Place (land, sea, waterways and skies) and the implications for their daily lives (ACHHK077) 

Stage 2 Geography 
GE2-2 describes the ways people, places and environments interact  

Stage 2 Visual Arts  
VAS2.4 Identifies connections between subject matter in artworks and what they refer to, and appreciates the use of particular techniques 

Australian Curriculum – Year 1 to 4 HASS (History and Geography) and Visual Arts 

Year 1 HASS (Geography) 
AC9HS1K04 how places change and how they can be cared for by different groups including First Nations Australians  

Year 1 and 2 Visual Arts 
AC9AVA2E02 explore examples of visual arts created by First Nations Australians 

Year 2 HASS (History) 
AC9HS2K01 a local individual, group, place or building and the reasons for their importance, including social, cultural or spiritual significance 

Year 2 HASS (Geography) 
AC9HS2K04 the interconnections of First Nations Australians to a local Country/Place 

Year 3 HASS (Geography) 
AC9HS3K04 the ways First Nations Australians in different parts of Australia are interconnected with Country/Place 
AC9HS3K03 the representation of contemporary Australia as states and territories, and as the Countries/Places of First Nations Australians prior to colonisation, and the locations of Australia’s neighbouring regions and countries 

Year 3 & 4 Visual Arts 
AC9AVA4E02 explore how First Nations Australians use visual arts to communicate their connection to and responsibility for Country/Place 

Year 4 HASS (History) 
AC9HS4K01 the diversity of First Nations Australians, their social organisation and their continuous connection to Country/Place 

Year 4 HASS (Geography) 
AC9HS4K06 sustainable use and management of renewable and non-renewable resources, including the custodial responsibility First Nations Australians have for Country/Place