Greek Independence Bicentenary Project Fund

In honour of the 200th anniversary of the start of the Greek War of Independence, the Museum is working with the Greek community in partnership with the Greek Welfare Centre, to honour our Greek immigrants and their contribution to building our nation.

You can be a part of this initiative by:

  • Making a tax-deductible donation to this special Greek Bicentenary Fund to honour migrants of Greek heritage. For each $500 raised, a Greek migrant will be honoured on the Monument, including the first Greek migrants to Australia.
    Your gift today helps us acknowledge unsung members of our Australian Greek community.

You can also give a timeless gift by:

  • Honouring a loved one of Greek heritage. In acknowledgement of your tax-deductible gift of $500, your name, or the name of a family member, relative, co-worker or friend will be etched in bronze on the Museum's National Monument to Migration in recognition of their journey across the seas to make Australia their new home.


                                        EVERY NAME COUNTS

Great! 108 people so far!

Help us achieve our goal of supporting 200 Greek migrants appear on your  National Monument to Migration.
All gifts over $2 are tax deductible.


You can also give a timeless gift by:

  • Honouring a loved one of Greek heritage. In acknowledgement of your tax-deductible gift of $500, your name, or the name of a family member, relative, co-worker or friend will be etched in bronze on the Museum's National Monument to Migration in recognition of their journey across the seas to make Australia their new home.


Hear from our donors

We are part of a long chain of proud Greek migrants who have forged new lives in our new home. We remain proud to be Greek and proud to be Australian. Join me in donating to the Greek Independence Bicentenary Project 1821 Fund, a great opportunity to honour those who came before us.


All Australians stand on the shoulders of our predecessors. We live in a beautiful country with peace and prosperity. And we owe a debt of gratitude to those that carved the original journey for us to follow

Emmanuel Alfieris

Contact the National Monument Team

Phone: +61 (02) 9298 3777




Thank you



Image credits:
Family image: Electra, George, Helen and Fotini Manikakis at the National Monument to Migration
Dancing Builders at the Opera House 1965 (detail), reproduced courtesy of photographer © Valentin Sowada
Greek migrants to Australia - Australian National Maritime Museum Collection