We're observing strict social distancing and hygiene measures to protect the health of all visitors and staff and minimise the spread of COVID-19.
The availability of tours will be assessed on a daily basis and be limited to a maximum of 10 visitors. They will run at a reduced frequency while COVID-19 restrictions are in place. Please check with front of house staff on the day of your visit to find out if tours are running.

Don’t have time for a 45 minute-long tour?

Take a 20-minute mini tour with one of our volunteers delving into the following themes:

  • Songlines: ancient journeys with an unexpected ending
  • Sails: seafarers and the big global competition
  • Steamers: new arrivals on our shores

"We walked into here not knowing what to expect and we were blown away... We were able to explore the exhibits about Australia's past and each of them were so well done."

US Visitor Mary Kate - via TripAdvisor (January 2019)