Signals is the museum's quarterly magazine, covering fascinating stories of maritime history, exhibition and events news, behind-the-scenes at the museum, member's updates, volunteer profiles, book reviews and more. 

Signals is included in your membership subscription, or available for $4.95 per issue at the museum store.

Screenshot from the PS 'Herald' VR experience

14 Sep 2020

The PS 'Herald' VR Experience: Seven students, one virtual dive
A discarded motorbike transforms from trash to treasure by creating habitat for small fish and invertebrate growth in the Cabbage Tree Bay Aquatic Reserve off Manly

11 Sep 2020

Submerged secrets: Life thrives beneath Sydney's waterways
Henry Lippmann (centre, with hand on chin) during a lesson at the Jewish ORT school in Berlin, Germany, c 1939. ANMM Collection ANMS0219[007], gift from Henry Lippmann

07 Sep 2020

Behind barbed wire: Remembering the Dunera boys
The Wilson family outside their home in Concord, New South Wales, 1948. Reproduced courtesy Victor Wilson Jnr

28 Aug 2020

Fruits of faith: Finding a place to call home
A small selection of the museum's Dunbar collection, purchased with the assistance of the Andrew Thyne Reid Charitable Trust

20 Aug 2020

The melancholy wreck of the 'Dunbar'
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA). © Commonwealth of Australia (GBRMPA) by A. Denzin

18 Aug 2020

Connected to Sea Country
Photo: Erub Arts, Erub, Torres Strait

18 Aug 2020

The Ghost Nets of Erub Arts
Cookie in Te Wai Pounamu Meets Cook Strait by Michel Tuffery, 2011, courtesy of the artist and Andrew Baker Art Dealer, Brisbane

18 Aug 2020

Cook: Man or Myth?
Archie Moore (Kamilaroi people), Aboriginal Anarchy 2012 © the artist and The Commercial Gallery, Sydney Purchased 2013. This acquisition has been acquired in recognition of the 50th Anniversary of the 1967 Referendum.

18 Aug 2020

Defying Empire

18 Aug 2020

The Strange Big Canoe
Searching for Royal Charlotte shipwreck, 2012

18 Aug 2020

Searching for Royal Charlotte Shipwreck
Behind the scenes tour of the Australian National Maritime Museum with Assistant Director Michael Harvey

18 Aug 2020

Behind the scenes tour of the museum