Signals is the museum's quarterly magazine, covering fascinating stories of maritime history, exhibition and events news, behind-the-scenes at the museum, member's updates, volunteer profiles, book reviews and more. 

Signals is included in your membership subscription, or available for $4.95 per issue at the museum store.

01 May 2020

Pirate School with Captain Grognose Johnny
Painting of James Cook

20 Apr 2020

Mythbusting Cook: Fact fiction and total fallacy
The three youth ambassadors

15 Apr 2020

Paths for peace: High school students reflect on World War II in the Pacific

07 Apr 2020

Make your own goofy gastroliths - prehistoric pet rocks

07 Apr 2020

Make your own goofy gastroliths - prehistoric pet rocks
Military personnel photographed boarding Orsova in 1916

19 Mar 2020

A deadly shipmate: Surviving 'Spanish flu' aboard HMAT Orsova
Fern New Zealand

16 Mar 2020

Recognising the first anniversary of the Christchurch mosque attacks
Kay Cottee - Steering Blackmores First Lady with foot across the Pacific Ocean. ANMM Collection, reproduced courtesy Kay Cottee.

07 Mar 2020

Seclusion at Sea
Kieran Hosty getting ready to dive for Clean Up Australia Day

07 Mar 2020

Clean Up Australia Day
Restricted 21-Foot Class Racing Yacht, Tasmania

07 Mar 2020

Famous Restricted 21-Foot Class Racing Yachts

07 Mar 2020

Rot to Ritz
Kay Cottee - Steering Blackmores First Lady with foot across the Pacific Ocean. ANMM Collection, reproduced courtesy Kay Cottee.

07 Mar 2020

Seclusion at Sea