From across the sea - the museum's migration program explores our cultural heritage.

The arrival of waves of more than ten million migrants by boat and plane is one of the major themes in Australia’s history, and a foundation narrative of modern Australia, infusing our country with more than 200 different cultural and linguistic traditions. Was your family among them? 

Nearly half of all Australians were born overseas or have at least one parent born overseas. Migrants have contributed enormously to the making of modern Australia - we believe museums sharing their stories can increase our understanding of the unique challenges many migrants face.

Image: Group of migrants on the deck of MV Castel Verde, Italy, 1950–1957. ANMM Collection Gift from Barbara Alysen. Reproduced courtesy International Organisation for Migration. ANMM Collection ANMS02014[024]

Explore their stories:

Migration Blogs

Discover our shared histories through these compelling migration stories.

June and Herbert Edelman

24 Feb 2020

Love and migration
Cruise ship in the Suez Canal

30 Dec 2019

Sydney via the Suez: The diary of Michael Walker
Workers place concrete reinforcement steel in the Tooma–Tumut Tunnel, part of the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme, 1960. Photographer Don Edwards. ANMM Collection Gift from Barbara Alysen ANMS0215[016]

17 Oct 2019

Snowy stories
José Coelho is farewelled by his teaching colleagues in Ponta do Sol, Madeira, prior to his departure for Australia, 1956.

28 Sep 2019

Love and sacrifice: From Madeira Island to the Snowy Mountains
Goy Galdeano (centre, in white striped top) with the first group of female Spanish assisted migrants to Australia, 1960 [reproduced courtesy Melissa Zabalegui]

02 Sep 2019

Mutiny on the Montserrat: The 60th anniversary of Operation Eucalyptus
Watercolour of Port Adelaide, South Australia, by Samuel Thomas Gill, 1840s. Rex Nan Kivell Collection, National Library of Australia

27 Aug 2019

A worker in tulle: The English lacemakers of Calais
Annarosa Coluccio (third from left) with her parents (left) and mother-in-law (fourth from left) at her proxy marriage in Roccella Jonica, Calabria, Italy, 1956. Reproduced courtesy Isabella Coluccio

22 Aug 2019

Until we meet again: An Italian proxy bride's story
Stars and Stripes jumper, Gift from Audrey Capuano, ANMM Collection 00009354

07 Jun 2019

Stitched with love
Textile artists Sayd Abdali and Jane Théau. Image:  Jane Théau

07 Jun 2019

Find your feet in our Refugee Week tapestry workshops
Johann and Katharina Emmelhainz on the Beulah passenger list, 1849. Courtesy NSW State Archives Reel 2145, [4/4820].

04 Apr 2019

Vinedressers and vintners
Johanna Goggins is one of the Irish famine orphans who is inscribed on the Welcome Wall.  Image: Kim Tao/ANMM.

17 Mar 2019

Remembering the Irish famine orphans
Threads of migration roof projection in 2019. Image: ANMM.

26 Jan 2019

Threads of migration