From across the sea - the museum's migration program explores our cultural heritage.

The arrival of waves of more than ten million migrants by boat and plane is one of the major themes in Australia’s history, and a foundation narrative of modern Australia, infusing our country with more than 200 different cultural and linguistic traditions. Was your family among them? 

Nearly half of all Australians were born overseas or have at least one parent born overseas. Migrants have contributed enormously to the making of modern Australia - we believe museums sharing their stories can increase our understanding of the unique challenges many migrants face.

Image: Group of migrants on the deck of MV Castel Verde, Italy, 1950–1957. ANMM Collection Gift from Barbara Alysen. Reproduced courtesy International Organisation for Migration. ANMM Collection ANMS02014[024]

Explore their stories:

Migration Blogs

Discover our shared histories through these compelling migration stories.

On 24 January 1999, the first 3,000 names were officially unveiled on the museum’s Welcome Wall. Today the Welcome Wall features nearly 30,000 names representing more than 100 countries.

24 Jan 2019

Celebrating 20 years of the Welcome Wall
Şükran and Halit Adasal signing their marriage documents, with Şükran’s mother Sultan Salman at far right, Adana, Turkey, 1966. Reproduced courtesy Hale Adasal.

23 Jan 2019

Anatolia to Australia
The O’Keefe family at Bonbeach, Victoria, 1956. Left to right: Annie O’Keefe, Geraldine, John O’Keefe, Peter and Mary. Photographer Neil Murray. Reproduced courtesy National Archives of Australia: A1501, A429/5.

22 Jan 2019

The case of Mrs O’Keefe
Paul Gock Quay in Sydney, c 1910. Reproduced courtesy Paul Kwok.

21 Jan 2019

The Gocks of Middle Mountain
5.	Jim Stone, his daughter Penelope and grandsons Liam and Ryan at the Sydney memorial to British child migrants, Coming and Going, at the ANMM, 2015. Photographer Kim Tao/ANMM.

20 Jan 2019

The Barnardo boy from Liverpool
Klaas and Aafke Woldring on their wedding day, the Netherlands, 1959. Reproduced courtesy Klaas and Aafke Woldring.

19 Jan 2019

To Australia via the Cape
Magdalena (Leni) Janic, aged 15, Katscher, Germany, 1940. Reproduced courtesy Annette Janic.

18 Jan 2019

War child
Maie Talmet (second from left) at Woodside Hostel with the doll her father gave her on arrival in Adelaide, 1949. Reproduced courtesy Maie Barrow.

17 Jan 2019

As far from Europe as possible
Going away party for the wedding of Maria and Lorenzo Roder’s daughter, Mary (front row, holding handbag), c 1921. Maria and Lorenzo are in the back row, third and fourth from right. Reproduced courtesy Pauline Lovitt.

16 Jan 2019

La Cella Venezia
Passengers watch from the deck of City of Sydney as Skaubryn burns in the Indian Ocean, 1958. ANMM Collection Gift from Barbara Alysen ANMS0214[005]. Reproduced courtesy International Organisation for Migration

15 Jan 2019

Four ships, one lifeboat
Passengers become amateur navigators as they trace their vessel’s progress on a long 19th century sea voyage. From ‘Scenes on board an Australian emigrant ship’, The Illustrated London News, 1848.  ANMM Collection 00003594

15 Jan 2019

Of stars and jellyfish
Marie and Michel Nehme at Fairlane Farm, Nehme vineyard, Yenda, 1988. All images reproduced courtesy Julie Nehme

10 Jan 2019

Wine and poetry